How Do I Become A Catholic?
What Do I Do Next?
If you are thinking about becoming Catholic you might be thinking what shall I do next? Below are a few suggestions that you might like to think about. PRAY If you are thinking of becoming Catholic it is possibly because the Holy Spirit is trying to say something to your heart. Talk to God, ask Him to help you in your life, ask Him to help your faith to grow. COME TO MASS Sunday Mass is celebrated on Saturdays at 6.00 p.m. and Sundays at 9.30 a.m. See how we celebrate our faith and pray together. Sunday Mass is especially important for Catholics because we gather as a community of faith to worship God together. Non-Catholics are not allowed to receive Holy Communion but you are welcome to come forward for a blessing, indicating this by placing your arm across your chest. TALK TO THE PRIEST Have a chat with a priest, tell him about why you are thinking of becoming a Catholic and that you are interested in beginning your journey of faith. JOURNEY IN FAITH COURSE You will see this advertised on our newsletters and is the formal process of becoming a Catholic. It usually begins in September and runs until Easter of the following year. This course enables you to learn more about your faith, and help you to prepare for becoming a Catholic. It is not like school, they are very gentle and go at the pace of those who come. |